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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Part Time Job Opportunity

Part Time Job Opportunity
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Gallery Road, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7AD .Tel:

Good Day to you Sir/Madam. I am pleased to give you an offer for employment as a consultant with our fledgling company.

We at Dulwich Picture Gallery have a mission to help individuals with investing into the Art & Antique but due to our wide range of customers and low reach in terms of offices worldwide, we have decided to make ties with individuals around the world who are willing to be a part of our mission to make the future bright for our investors.

Job Description:

Currently, due to the abundance of Art and Antique in the West African region, we are pitching our Resource Office there besides our Head Office thats present here in the UK.

We have abundant investors in the USA and Europe but sometimes have difficulties getting their investment bids across to us, your job will entail the cashing in of
investment bids from our investors, in any form they may come (personalized checks, cashiers check or cash) and sending the funds back to one of our offices through means that will be given to you when the time arises.

Our seasoned workers set up this form of employment so it doesnt affect your day job if you have one.

In an instance whereby you cash in an investment bid for our customer, you will be entitled to 10% of the total amount you cash. For example; if you cash an investment
bid of $3000, your pay on that bid will be $300, which is subject to change depending on the number of bids that you cash.

If you are interested please kindly get to back to me:

Your name:
Your full address where to send payment: not p.o box
Present Occupation:
Contact phone numbers:

Yours Faithfully,
Richard Doherty
Administrative Secretary,
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Gallery Road, Dulwich Village,
London SE21 7AD
Tel: (44)-7951578242
www. dulwichpicturegallery .org .uk

Email all the details requested to:
richydoherty at,
oasis.oil at hotmail dot com

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