No Way to Spam - Search Tool

Monday, November 13, 2006

Fighting Scam!

I always take care of such details to unfold the ways and some other information to track those spammers and ban them using the Internet to spam people. This blog entention is to fulfil this job. I suspect the following spam was coming from my location and even from somebody who uses my ISP, or knows it's operation techniques.

The following email scam says:

Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need to get in now, before the big news release. There's still time, but not much. The news could be out as early as Tuesday, November 13th. THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a favor and make that big score!

Back-info says:

Return-Path: deborahscheidt @breiarpreiak. crentrial. sun .com
Received: from cpc1-alde2-0-0-cust172.glfd.cable.ntl. com ([])
Received: from (HELO btmx4.sun. com)
From: "Darwin Boswell" deborahscheidt@ breiarpreiak. crentrial.sun .com
To: birgitte-jesper@ ..... (I don't have an email like this)
Subject: Darwin
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 20:44:13 +0000


I hope this information in helpful to block this internet user account.

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1 comment:

Peaceful Blog said...

The following email spam is nonsense too. I don't understand until this moment what does it mean to read lines like these:

The inertial dynos are fairly linear, while the Laptop Dyno takes on some steep sections at

the Either way, you are working way too hard for a 24-year-old. Yeah, except people call me "Nah'Meen. Spurred by the burgeoning scene, there was a progressive increase in the number of VTEC-There was even a statistical snapshot of many of the engine's vital signs at the time the computer. Both men quickly spring to their feet in unison and chant "Oh my goodness" in a crude. Getting my makeup and hair doneI'll be doing the 2006 Playmate calendar on Monday.

Email spam back-info:

Using: Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Type: image/gif;
Return-Path: centerlinebelove@xyway .de
(domain at does not
designate permitted sender hosts)
Received: from MORRISON ([])
From: " brunt" centerlinebelove@ xyway. de
To: webm@.... (This is not my email address)
Subject: important KQ
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:08:33 -0700

What to do if you've got those silly lines on an email scam like this?

Use your out look express to block it. Open Tools there and add the information of those fields: "From", "To", "Subject", "Message" and tick on "Delete" or "Don't Upload from Server".

If you could track the IP of this spammer, use your Firewall to block it as well.

See other news in Arabic at -
Stop War!
Afro Journal!

Anti Spam Followers! Say NO to Spam! Join the NO!

Fujitsu Computer Systems Corporation


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