I don't know that Microsoft operates any world lotto, so the first act I was about to take when I received this spam, was to delete this email. But I wanted the data to use it in this space for a purpose, and that purpose is to expose those spammers.
I know that that big names like Microsoft has nothing to do with this scam. And you can take a look to make sure that this email has nothing to do with Microsoft. See the return-path, the received field, the message id, the sender and other details below:
Return-Path: (www - data @ server8 . webplus 24 . de).
Received: from www - data by server8 . webplus24 . de
id 1DxzYq-0006Cl-Tv; Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:59:56 +0200
From: MSWORDLOTTERY (microsoftwordlottery @ muh-fredel . de)
Sender: web39p1 @ . webplus24 . de (www- data @ server8 . webplus24 . de)
UNITED KINGDOM. 61-70 Southampton Row,
Bloomsbury, London, United Kingdom, WC1B 4AR
PHONE:+44 7040117484
FAX: +44 7005980586
Now see how the message goes:
Electronic Mail Award Winning Notification. Award Presentation Centre: United Kindom.
All letters here are in upper case.
Then the message follows: We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today of winners of the MSW MEGA JACKPOT LOTTO WINNINGS PROGRAMS held on 17th, JULY 2005. Your company or your personal e-mail address, is attached to winning number (numbers are here, but I deleted them) With serial number (deleted) drew the lucky numbers (deleted), and consequently won in the first lottery category.
You have therefore been approved for lump sums pay out of GBP 5,500,000.00 POUNDS in cash Credited to file REF NO: (deleted) this is from total prize money of GBP 27,500,000.00 POUNDS, shared among the Twenty (5) international winners in this category.
All participants were selected through our Microsoft computer ballot system drawn from 21,000 Names, 3,000 names from each continent, as part of International "E-MAIL" Promotions Program, Which is conducted annually for our prominent MS WORD user all over the world, and for the Continues use of E-mail. We are sorry to let you know that our site is still under construction, As we are updating our site.
Your fund (certified cheque) has been insured with your REF NO: (deleted). Your E-mail address should be used in all correspondence with your claims officer, Please note that, you are to contact your claims officer via email as we Are promoting the use of E-mail, any communications with this office should be by mail, you have the right to call the the director to confirm your winnings that is all, as we will provide you with the necessary details on how to claim Your prize. You are to keep your ref. number and batch number from the public, until you have Been processed and your prize money delivered or transfered to you.
This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and the act of scamming people of Their ref number and prizes. We hope you will help promote the use of Microsoft Office.
To claim your winning prize, you must first contact the claims department by email for Processing and remittance of your prize money to you. The claims officer contact email is:
Name: Mr. Timothy White
E-mail: mrtimothywhite1 @ yahoo . com
Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than the 16th AUGUST, 2005. All funds not Claimed on or before the fixed date will be penalized accordingly. Do email the above email addresses.
NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all correspondences with your claims officer. Do not reply any other mails like this on net as they are alot of scam artist out there pretending to be us. You may see mails like this do not reply. Do contact your claims officer MR. TIMOTHY WHITE at once by email. You will be asked to provide some details to eneble us proceed with your winning certificate and file keeping.
Mrs. Mario Wendy
Any winner below the age of 18years is automatically disqualified
NOTE: Do not reply this mail. You are to contact your claims officer immediately by email. Or call the promotion director Mr. Gabriel Martin on +44 7040117484 to confirm your winnings.
Microsoft Co-Operations UK, Microsoft Co-Operations ASIA
It's funny, isn't it? And you'll discover from the spelling mistakes in this email that, it's coming from those hackers on the Internet. I have doubts also about the names and phone numbers on this email.
If you've received such email post a comment here. But you should of course take care and don't reply to such claims. It all happens for one purpose and you know it. Keep yourself safe by only deleting any email like this one and use lavasoft, mailwasher, your email virus scan and your bulk or junk folder.
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