No Way to Spam - Search Tool

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cross Link Builders are Spammers!

What would you do if somebody offended you?

I received the following email spam from somebody at crosslink builder, to reciprocate links with my website although there's a from on my website to do that.

Regardless to that is spam and the spam never work as I can track and block it, I ask is this a good way to get response from others?

Yes of course, they are fishing. However, they do not know that would make people angry. In addition, they waste their times in sending such spam.

The stupid email spam says:

I would like to build a reciprocal website link between (the website name) and (my website name). I believe that the content in both websites would be of great interest to visitors and this could result in increased web traffic and improvement in google page rankings for both businesses.

Higher page rankings would mean more successful search engine listings.

You can register for free with Crosslink builder (and dsicover your google page rank) to build a reciprocal link by clicking on (a link to crosslink builder registering page with my website added to the extension file ... well, I will report this to the concerned directions)

Please let me know if you wish to proceed. This email has been initiated by a crosslink-builder user.

Do not reply directly to this Email. Replies should be sent to somebody @


Details of the email spam:

Return-Path: invitelink at crosslink - builder . com
Received: from rubyweb-1 . titaninternet . co .uk (
Received: from Rubyweb-1 . titaninternet .co .uk ([])
by Rubyweb-1 . titaninternet .co .uk
Message-Id: 20102704.221245.6111dfd5 at crosslink-builder. com
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 22:12:45 GMT
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-mailer: AspMail 4.0 4.11 (SMT4C098EF)
Subject: Request for mutual web link
Return-Path: invitelink @ crosslink-builder .com
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 27 Apr 2010 22:12:46.0226 (UTC)
X-Scrubber-List: not listed
X-Scrubber-ClamAV: clean
X-Scrubber-VpopQuota: space available
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Spam-Level: 2/5
X-FS-Classification-phishing: 1
X-FS-Classification-spam: 2
X-FS-Diagnostics: database-version=2010-03-25_03 tests=spam.CT_UNKNOWN=1,spam.[str=0001.0A3C0009.4BD7CBB2.0078:SCGSTAT639947/ss=1/fgs=0]=0

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