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Thursday, March 20, 2008


If you were coming from AdSensonia Group then here are the details:

Well the tech guy sent Trojan with the following descriptions:

Malware Information: Trojan-Spy
Name : Trojan-Spy
Alias: Trojan-PSW, Spy, TrojanSpy, PSW, Password Stealing Trojan, Spying trojan, Trojan.PSW
Type: Trojan-Spy, Trojan-PSW
Category: Malware
Platform: W32

What are all this about?

Spy, Data or Password Stealing Trojan (Generic Description)

A spy, data or password stealing trojan is usually a standalone program that allows a hacker to monitor user's activities on an infected computer. Password stealing trojans are quite popular. Some backdoors and worms drop password stealing trojans to a system they try to infect.

A password stealing trojan is usually a standalone application that installs itself to system and sometimes drops a keylogging component. Such trojan stays active in Windows memory and starts keylogging (recording keystrokes) when a user is asked to input a login and a password. Then a trojan stores the recorded keystrokes data for later submission or sends this data to a hacker immediately. In many cases such trojans also send information about user's computer IP, RAS (remote access server), and network configuration. A hacker who gets this info is capable of misusing other person's Internet account and in some cases hack into user's network. Stolen logins and passwords can allow a hacker to read user's e-mail on public and corporate mail servers.

A data stealing trojan is usually a standalone program that searches for specific files or data on an infected computer and
then sends this data to a hacker. For example some data stealing trojans try to locate 'key' files that contain authentication
information for some program or service. Other data stealing trojans try to steal serial numbers of software installed on an
infected system. A few e-mail worms attach random data files (excel or word files, images) to e-mails that they send from
infected systems.

A spy is usually a standalone program that installs itself to system and records certain events on an infected computer. For
example such trojan can record keyboard activities, keep the list of applications that a user ran, archive URLs that a user opened and so on. A spying trojan sends out a recorded log to a hacker at certain intervals. In some cases spying trojans have a certain time window. For example they work only until a certain date and then uninstall themselves from a system.

Most famous spies, data and password stealing trojans: Coced, Hooker, GOP, Kuang, Platan, Klogger.

Thanks my security agent!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A message about HSBC bank carried also this Trojan. My Radar has captured it and transmitted it to the analysing bank to track Internet bad behaviours, as I understood. Thanks to the Internet-guards. Seems funny, you think?

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