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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Agricultural Independent Consultant

I have received this funniest email spam lately:

Independent Consultant,
Asia Agricultural research Institute in China
No.189 Tianhe Bei Road,
Guangzhou, China.
Post Code: 510075.
Tel- +numbers here

Dear sir/ma,
Please permit me to write you irrespective of the fact we have not met before. I got your contact through network online hence I decided to write you. I would be very interested in offering you a part-time paying job in which you could earn up to $4,000 a month in extra income. Getting an accountant in the USA/Canada or opening an account would have been my best choice if I was not working on a deadline that must meet a 24 hour turn around time, other options are not on my side due to time, money, and requirements. This is why I am offering a part time opportunity to someone responsible who can supply prompt assistant and service.


Work as my payment assistant in charge of collecting and processing the payments from the associates.

1. Receive payment (inform of money orders/checks) from my Clients/Associates.
2. Cash the Payments at your Bank
3. Deduct 10%, which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed.
4. You will then forward the balance via Western Union Money Transfer according to my instruction.


18 years or older.
Legal resident of US
Responsible, Reliable and Trustworthy
Available to work a minimum 3-4 hours per week.
Able to check and respond to emails often.
Easy telephone access.


It is very legal (article 15.3) Employment Opportunity Act. My lawyer checked all legal provisions concerning any domestic or international law against businesses or deals of domestic monetary trade. Doing this business is 100% safe and legal. I would be glad if you accept my proposal for an opportunity to make up 10% of each transaction completed.

Please reply via email with complete information as requested:

All replies should be sent to : g.mail address here


Dr Sean smith.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Zimbabwe Emails Spam

As the Nigerian emails fraud, some people who are not Nigerian or from any African country uses some African stories to create email spam messages. Here comes the Zimbabwe into the headline of this post. It is not necessary this email spam be from that country.

Good day,

You will be surprised to read from me, but please consider this letter as a genuine request from a family in dire need of your humble assistance.

Firstly, I must introduce myself. I am James Ngoza. A Citizen of Zimbabwe, but I am contacting you from Bangkok Thailand where I am now sickening political asylum. I got your contact through the Thailand Information Exchange Online.

I am the only son of Wemba Ngoza, a wealthy black farmer and senior politician with the opposition political party in my country, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). Our wicked President Robert Mugabe murdered my father, before I ran way from my country because I have become his next target to eliminate.

My father was a fighter for Justice and a moving force in The MDC, a party wanting to end the several years of brutal Dictatorship government of President Robert Mugabe. You will read more stories about President Mugabe's brutal acts by visiting this web site:

My father was accused of assisting the White farmers in fighting the government. Few weeks after his arrest, he was reported dead. The government claimed he died of heart attack and his body was never seen for proper autopsy, they buried him in the government cemetery. My father's associate Mr. Martin Olds a White farmer from Britain assisted me in fighting my father's death through the Court and media.

The Government saw us as a big treat to them and decided to eliminate us. Mr. Olds was attacked and murdered in his House, but fortunately, before they came looking for me, I received the news and I left the country through the border to South Africa to save my life, before my arrival here in Bangkok Thailand.

Here is my reason for contacting you. Before the death of my father, he deposited the sum of Ten Million US Dollars ($10M) with a security company during when he went to Thailand to purchase his farm machinery equipment, as if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe. The money was deposited as a gem/precious stone in a metal trunk box to avoid seizure and much demurrage from the security company organization. This money was earmarked for the purchase of new machinery and chemicals for the farms and the establishment of new farms in Lesotho and Swaziland.

The government seized my father’s farms and banks account before his arrest and Murder. He told me everything concerning the funds while he was still in detention.

This is why I need your assistance in securing the funds there in your Country, so that I can arrange on how to come over to your country for the investment of the fund, I am willing to offer you 25% of the US$10 Million For your assistance to provide an account where the funds will be transferred into because I am faced with the dilemma of investing this amount of money in Thailand and the financial law and Regulations of the Republic of Bangkok, Thailand do not permit us financial rights to such huge sum of money.

In view of this, I cannot invest the fund in Bangkok, Thailand. Moreover, the Thailand monetary policy/law does not allow such investment by an asylum seeker or refugee. Please, let me know if you can assist me, sothat I can give you more details on how we shall proceed.

As I wait for your urgent Response, please treat this information as top secret.

Yours truly,

James Ngoza (for the family).

Thursday, March 20, 2008

PayPals Unauthorized Transaction Spam

You should always take care of email spam stories like those you're reading here at No Way to Spam Blog. PayPal has its own measures to help you define email frauds.

Two emails spam about PayPal dropped together at the same time into my box. I deleted them immediately and then tracked them from my deleted files folder. As I have suspected, the two emails have different emailing sources although they are about the same issue you will read here below.

1- Return-Path: < akstcadazunamimnsdgs @ >
Delivered-To: my email address (luckly, this email is not registered with PayPal)
Received: (qmail 12745 invoked from network); 20 Mar 2008 22:58:35 -0000
Received: from (HELO ( by (my client) with SMTP; 20 Mar 2008 22:58:34 -0000
Received-SPF: none (my client: domain at does not designate permitted sender hosts)
Received: from [] by; Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:58:34 -0700
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:58:34 -0700
From: accounts @
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) Business
Reply-To: akstcadazunamimnsdgs @
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: < 276679993.46164994105527 @ >
To: my email address (luckly, this email is not registered with PayPal)
Subject: PayPal® Account Review Department
X-Scrubber-List: not listed
X-Scrubber-ClamAV: clean
X-Scrubber-VpopQuota: space available
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


2- Return-Path: < akstcablakanemnsdgs @ >
Delivered-To: my email address (luckly, this email is not registered with PayPal)
Received: (qmail 30032 invoked from network); 21 Mar 2008 00:55:49 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO computer) ( by (my client) with SMTP; 21 Mar 2008 00:55:48 -0000
Received-SPF: none (my client: domain at does not designate permitted sender hosts)
Received: from [] by; Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:55:13 +0800
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:55:13 +0800
From: update @
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.12.00) Educational
Reply-To: akstcablakanemnsdgs @
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: < 383444584.87891413154174 @ >
To: my email address (luckly, this email is not registered with PayPal)
Subject: PayPal® Account Review Department
X-Scrubber-List: not listed
X-Scrubber-ClamAV: clean
X-Scrubber-VpopQuota: space available
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1250
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit



Dear PayPal ® customer, (PayPal will never address you like that!)

We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account.

Protecting your account is our primary concern. As a preventive measure we have temporary limited your access to sensitive information.

Paypal features.To ensure that your account is not compromised, simply hit "Resolution Center" to confirm your identity as member of Paypal.

Login to your Paypal with your Paypal username and password.

Confirm your identity as a card memeber of Paypal.

Please confirm account information by clicking here Resolution Center (linked to: and complete the "Steps to Remove Limitations."

* Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.

Copyright © 1999-2008 PayPal. All rights reserved.


If you were coming from AdSensonia Group then here are the details:

Well the tech guy sent Trojan with the following descriptions:

Malware Information: Trojan-Spy
Name : Trojan-Spy
Alias: Trojan-PSW, Spy, TrojanSpy, PSW, Password Stealing Trojan, Spying trojan, Trojan.PSW
Type: Trojan-Spy, Trojan-PSW
Category: Malware
Platform: W32

What are all this about?

Spy, Data or Password Stealing Trojan (Generic Description)

A spy, data or password stealing trojan is usually a standalone program that allows a hacker to monitor user's activities on an infected computer. Password stealing trojans are quite popular. Some backdoors and worms drop password stealing trojans to a system they try to infect.

A password stealing trojan is usually a standalone application that installs itself to system and sometimes drops a keylogging component. Such trojan stays active in Windows memory and starts keylogging (recording keystrokes) when a user is asked to input a login and a password. Then a trojan stores the recorded keystrokes data for later submission or sends this data to a hacker immediately. In many cases such trojans also send information about user's computer IP, RAS (remote access server), and network configuration. A hacker who gets this info is capable of misusing other person's Internet account and in some cases hack into user's network. Stolen logins and passwords can allow a hacker to read user's e-mail on public and corporate mail servers.

A data stealing trojan is usually a standalone program that searches for specific files or data on an infected computer and
then sends this data to a hacker. For example some data stealing trojans try to locate 'key' files that contain authentication
information for some program or service. Other data stealing trojans try to steal serial numbers of software installed on an
infected system. A few e-mail worms attach random data files (excel or word files, images) to e-mails that they send from
infected systems.

A spy is usually a standalone program that installs itself to system and records certain events on an infected computer. For
example such trojan can record keyboard activities, keep the list of applications that a user ran, archive URLs that a user opened and so on. A spying trojan sends out a recorded log to a hacker at certain intervals. In some cases spying trojans have a certain time window. For example they work only until a certain date and then uninstall themselves from a system.

Most famous spies, data and password stealing trojans: Coced, Hooker, GOP, Kuang, Platan, Klogger.

Thanks my security agent!

Appealing Products Email Spam

Email Spam-Subject Lines

Headlines or subject lines of email spam goes this way today:

Fill up her mouth!
- This is absolutely inhumane. However, the sender of the email spam is a woman. This makes me wonder, if she ever heard of 8 Mars?

Your are strong!
- Same email spam sender using another subject line.

Watch her (....) you off!
- Same sender. However, there were three different names on the "From line".

FDA approved male enhancement supplement!
- His or her fourth email spam with a different subject line.

Nominate someone for a degree!
FW: Your academic qualification expired!
- They know there are lot of people there running after degrees.

We give free Viagra! Claim your free Viagra!
- This product is not necessary as vegetables, fruits, honeybee and hey; "Gorrow". Ask a Nigerian!

Christmas Replica Watches!
Jaeger - LeCoultre replica watch Luxury isnt a
Qualitative replica watches for most exacting people!
- Appealing product to get distribution through email spam.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Small and Mobile Production (SMP) to resolve giant problem in developing regions

SMP developed a revolutionary production method that is self-contained, immediate, portable, competitive, accessible because it is so cost-effective and transportable by any means whatsoever: by land, sea, railroad or air with more than hundreds Small and Mobile Production systems. From a technological standpoint, it is an incontrovertible fact that this system is aimed at solving very serious problems, starting with that which is most basic: the survival of millions of human beings.

The SMP is the only system in the world that can provide up to six of the most essential products for basic sustenance for just one dollar per day. SMP will supply to countries and developing regions the technology and necessary support for these Small and Mobile Units.

If you are interested in being a partner in your country or region, you can send your CV to SMP Partners Program

Project Manager.

If you received this in error or would like to be removed from our list, please return us indicating: remove or un-subscribe in subject field, Thanks. The Development News, Editor
© 2007 THE DEVELOPMENT NEWS. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 17, 2008

SPLAs Email Spoof

The defamatory email spoofs’ senders have changed now to play in my political area. They of course do not know that I know the ins and outs of this area. They sent the following email spam:


I am Amina Idris from the State of Kassala in the Eastern part of Sudan. I recently lost my husband who until his death was a serving officer with the SPLA here in Sudan. He died in the cause of performing his duties under the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS).

Before his death he was privileged to have served close the powers that be in my country and this exposed him to huge sums of money of which about $7.5 Million was left to my surviving son and I.

I am contacting you because I need a big favor from you as regards receiving these funds on our behalf and help us invest it in a profitable venture. Due to my inexperience in matters of business, I am willing to give free rein of affairs to you in the day to day running of such a business venture.

Please if you are willing to assist me, don’t hesitate to reply to amina.ldris at and indicate your interest as soon as possible.

Thanks and best regards.

Amina Idris


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