This is a clear out-spreaded email scam. If you see any subject line in your incoming mails, hit delete immediately.
This scam goes this way: "Your email address have won you a total sum of £500,000.00 GBP (i.e Five Hundred Thousand United Kingdom Pounds Sterling) in cash credited to file REF:YAHOO6/315116127/27 This is from a total cash prize of US$20,400,000.00
shared amongst the seventeen international winners in this category in the
YAHOO FINANCIAL PROMOTIONS. To file for your claims, Name: Mr Willliams Parker
E-mail: agentwilliamsparkerclaims at yahoo dot com dot hk
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Amelia Hunt,
Online coordinator.
How somebody could uses your own domain name to send you spam from that same domain, using all those run-passes and back information which belong to that account?
Some spammers think other webmasters are ignorant so they cannot understand this new technology.
This is the email spam that was sent from that account. It's even poor:
email advertise like this to 8,000,000 people this week for free..
emailadvertisinginc dot com
the above noncommercial offer is only for noncommercial charities only. press on charity info on our web site for full and complete details. this offer is not a commercial service and is not at all for sale or lease or trade of any kind...
They actually should be logged in there or use their accounts at the same server to spam their fellow colleagues.
Rolex replicas have gun mad
I found that some of those people who are promoting those Rolex replicas have gun mad.
They use different servers and automate their machines to send mass scams daily, bi-weekly or weekly to large lists of co-op network.
This is a kind of this mass spam:
Genuine Swiss made Rolex replicas are as close to the real thing as a replica watch can be. Sometimes even the professional jewelers are unable to tell the difference from the real Rolex watch.
All genuine Swiss Rolex Replicas should have the following:
- Full 1-year Warranty
- Solid 14k or 18k Gold on two-toned models
- Guaranteed triple-wrapped gold on all-gold models
- Genuine sapphire crystal - a type of glass that is many times better at resisting scratches than regular glass.
- The color of the gold looks exactly like a genuine Rolex watch
If the retailer does not offer this, do not purchase from them!
//e have all this! JUST COME and buy your REPLICA //atches!
http://3frt8p9c8g8uul325ol18l3l dot potlatchhb dot com
It came with this back-door information:
Return-Path: tl.yang at udngroup dot com
(domain at udngroup dot com does not designate permitted sender hosts)
From: "Milton Arellano" < tl.yang at udngroup dot com >
Subject: 0ver 3OO $tyles of Replica //atches!
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