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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Could It Be Spam?

The following two email arrived at my email box at the same time following each other in a series of 32 emails I was receiving this morning.

What's interesting about these two emails is that they have the same details in the "From" and "body" fields. They look like this:

From: Angel Dennison
Subject: 06.09.2006 points
From: Jewell Cisneros
Subject: 06.09.2006 helped

The messages are detailing the same "offer below". While I was writing about them, I saw other two emails by the same details landing in my incoming emails folder. The body of the messages has nothing to do with those ordinary email spams you might have been receiving. It talks about something, I don't know what to say about it, since it doesn't fall in my concerns. Read and judge:

W_A T_C_H O U T! Here comes the big one! All signs show that AETR is going to Explode!
ALLIANCE ENTERPRISE (AETR) Current Price 0.80 Add this gem to your watch ist, and watch it trad closely!


MILL VALLEY, CALIFORNIA August 25, 2006 - The Alliance Enterprise Corporation announced today a breakthr0ugh in developing an Aerial LandmineSystem aimed at locating, detecting and mapping deadly landmines.

More than 100 million landmines in 83 countries are holdinginternational communities and industries hostage, preventing the investment in anddevelopment of productive lands and the re-building of infrastructure.

A broad variety of landmines have been scattered over productive areaseffectively crippling the economy and disabling thousands of childrenand adults. There are no reliable records that accurately show wherethese devastating landmines lie in wait for their victims.

With the present day costs to clear a single land mine ranging between $1,000 to $1,500, solving the problem of de-mining lands will reachbillions of dollars. TaeCorp has developed a technology based, costeffective solution to this problem using its three tiered approach toscanning, mapping and removing landmines. TaeCorp's System will provide manysocial and economic benefits to countries and their industriesincluding oil and gas, mining, agriculture, roads and infrastructuredevelopment.

About TaeCorp

TaeCorp's vision is to be the recognized leader in providing AerialDetection Systems including global de-mining, clearing a path to a saferplanet for all humankind. TaeCorp's mission is to reclaim lands around the globe embedded withlandmines that victimize countries and their stakeholders.

Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little KnownCompanies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You AreAlready Familiar with This. Is AETR Poised and Positioned to Do that ForYou? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watchthis One Trade tomorrow! Go AETR. Penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitablefor all but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any wayaffiliated with the featured company.

This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investmentadvice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully placed in our membership, send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the sub ject to......

... And by the way, there's no email address to send a blank email to. The email only ends with those dots above.

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