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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Who Stole Your Traffic?

This is one of those Blogs to be stealing my traffic: adsenseclix dot com/adwords-blog-google-login.php. The extension file is where my articles supposed to be published. However, there are only some rubbish and tricks to bring in traffic but no serious content. Note that the owner of the site may come here read this and change every thing. I do not know him or her.

If you are writing articles to articles directories then you may need to subscribe to Google Alerts. When you get there to Google alerts, create your own alerts using the complete titles/headlines of your articles.

You may need to operate a new email for those alerts to check them in other free email services. Keep that email only for Google Alerts.

You will come to know those who stole your traffic while you are content thinking that you build links popularity through articles submission to many articles' directories.

I will keep on tracking bad behaviours like this to expose them.

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