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Monday, July 09, 2007

Phishing Kia Motors UK Limited Email

The Phishing email spam uses Kia Motors UK Limited name and starts with their address:

Kia Motors UK Limited
PO Box 464

It says:


This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of £470,000.00 (Four Hundred and Seventy Thousand Pounds) and a brand new KIA Picanto from the International online programs held on the 25th of May 2007 in London the United Kingdom.

The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized Email selection system (ESS) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world The KIA MOTORS Promotional Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and Also Licensed by the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).

This lottery is the 1st of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public as we are using it to promote the sales of our range of vehicles.

To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact the remittance department with the emails address provided below through our accredited Prize Transfer agents as stated below:

Trevor Churchill
Kia Motors UK Limited
19 Ul,Essex ,PE9 2YP ,
London United Kingdom.
E-mail: t.churchill101 at
Tel: +44 704 572 5308

Contact him with your secret pin code KIA/000/000000 and your reference number TYT: 00000000/000. You are also advised to provide him with the under listed information as soon as possible:

Claims Requirements:

Claims Requirements:

1. FULL LEGAL NAMES : --------------------------
2. ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: ----------------------
3. SEX : ---------------------------------------------
4. NATIONALITY : ---------------------------------
5. MARITAL STATUS : -----------------------------
6. AGE : ---------------------------------------------
7.NEXT OF KIN : ------------------------------------
8. OCCUPATION : -----------------------------------
9. PHONE / FAX : ------------------------------------
10. CURRENT OCCUPATION : -----------------------

Congratulations once again !

With Best Regards
Mr. Dominic Gerard
Lottery Manager.

This message and attachments are subject to a disclaimer. Please refer to www . it . up . ac . za/documentation/governance/disclaimer/ for full details.

/ Hierdie boodskap en aanhangsels is aan 'n vrywaringsklousule onderhewig. Volledige besonderhede is bywww . it . up . ac . za/documentation/governance/disclaimer/ beskikbaar.


Anonymous said...

Its a CON.Furthermore I emailed this company regarding this using their name, I got no response to my email
concerning this problem. So my advice
to who ever is thinking about buying one of their products is don't.
If they can't be bothered with the using of their name, how in the hell are you going to be with their after sales service?

theaussiebattler said...

I received one of these emails, I also emailed the concerning company and received no emails from them.
They don't care sometimes I think these companies are as bad as the conmen them selves.

Jim Morton said...

The lack of response from Kia explains a lot. I wondered why they chose such a crappy car for this phishing expedition. Clearly it was because they knew Kia wouldn't come after them as quickly as Toyota or Ford would.

Just to further slag Kias. I was watching a talk on car accidents by a local fireman who implored the audience not to by Kias if they valued their lives.

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