No Way to Spam - Search Tool

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Spam and Scam!

From: Oliver Powell chip.robertson
Subject: OEM Software! Special offer, Adobe Video Collection.

From: Notification of Limited Account Access
Subject: PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system.

From: service
Subject: Your account will be suspended! Dear Paypal User, Your account will be suspended ! (I am always receiving such silly scam for a long time and my alliged account has never been suspnded!)

From: Sweepstakes International natinalukagent
Subject: Your Email Won Congratulations!!! The National Lottery. P O Box 1010

From: Mitchell Oakes trimzz
Subject: Re:Ms? Decrease your monthly mortgage payments by more than 1/3. Junes Prequalified-Rates

From: Kory Echols aditorialjs
Subject: haha, Decrease your monthly mortgage payments by more than 1/3. Junes Prequalified-Rates

From: EuroWebPro
Subject: Smart fraud protection secures EU e-e-commerce websites. If you are selling any kind of products or services on the internet, CHRONOPAY has a turnkey e-commerce

From: Robert henry
Subject: Don't expose your intimate life!!! Best prises, secure payment processing, direct shipping from our warehouse

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