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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Save Your Google AdWords Account!

Don't open an email with this subject and don't open any PDF file attached to it.

I know this email spam has nothing to do with Google or the AdWords so take care of such emails. I don't think either there's a direction which could be responsible to email you about this matter other than Google itself.

The following scam above has been forwarded from one of my domain email addresses. This could possibly be something to consider investigating. I'll watch out this case through my incoming emails. But if you have received such email and could track its roots regardless to this email encryption technique, do people a favour by reporting it to stop those scammers.

I don't know why some people over there are so... just like that? Why some people don't want to live nice?

This scam came in different languages Google will never use to address its clients. The very important point is that Google addresses those clients using their full names.

So, if there is any direction which concerns this matter, as it seems to be from this email scam above, it has no rights to contact you about something falls beyond their responsibility.

The scam follows above: Note this post to be oriented to those who are able to stop this Internet scam and to those who are seeking for such alert.

From: Clicksettlement clicksettlement @ xmr3. com
Subject: Important Legal Notice Regarding Your Google AdWords Account
Received: from memailout29. messagereach .com ([])


Anonymous said...

I got it too, but apparently it's legit. See Google's announcement -

Anonymous said...

This email is REAL. Google has confirmed it as legitimate.

Peaceful Blog said...

I don't think it's smart to let go of such a thing without any notice.

Anyway, if it's real which I don't think so, this direction has no rights to address you forget about how useful it's.

I wonder about using all languages on Earth even those your computer cannot read to send such email.

There's another comment here which says it's fake. I expect more comments on this issue. I expect also discussions about the productivity of this fabric so called the Adwords.

Peaceful Blog said...

Well, good comments are flowing. I hope they will help visitors reach their interests.

Peaceful Blog said...

Jan, you posted the same comment twice. Sorry for deleting the other.

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