No Way to Spam - Search Tool

Sunday, May 28, 2006

AdWords' Spammers!

This is the Adwords scam which came out in so many languages, one of the commentators on this blog says is true and not scam:

This court-ordered notice may affect your legal rights. Please read it carefully. If you purchased online advertising from Google between January 1, 2002 and the present, you are a class member in a class-action lawsuit in the Circuit Court of Miller County, Arkansas. This notice is to inform you of the Court’s certification of a class; the nature of the claims alleged; your right to participate in, or exclude yourself from, the class; a proposed settlement; and how you can claim an award of advertising credits under the settlement. Please read the attached notice.

You can get more information at:

Please do not reply to this message

Esta notificação de ordem judicial pode afetar seus direitos legais. Por favor, leia com atenção. Se tiver adquirido anúncios on-line da Google entre 1 de janeiro de 2002 e a data de hoje, você faz parte de uma ação judicial coletiva na Comarca de Miller County, Arkansas. Esta notificação tem como objetivo informá-lo sobre o recurso judicial da ação coletiva; a natureza do processo judicial; o seu direito de participar ou não; a ação coletiva, o acordo proposto, e como solicitar indenização em créditos para anúncio através de um acordo. Para solicitar uma cópia da notificação em anexo em português, favor enviar um email para:

Toto soudem narízené oznámení muže ovlivnit vaše zákonná práva. Prosím prectete si je pozorne. Pokud jste zakoupili reklamu on-line od Google mezi 1. lednem 2002 a soucasností, jste clenem skupiny ve skupinovém soudním sporu u obvodového soudu okresu Miller County ve státe Arkansas. Toto oznámení vás informuje o soudním potvrzení skupiny; o charakteru údajných škod; o vašem právu se zúcastnit nebo se vyloucit ze skupiny; o navrhovaném vyporádání; a jak mužete vznést nárok na odmenu ve forme dobropisu na reklamu v rámci vyporádání. Pro vyžádání kopie priloženého oznámení v ceštine zašlete prosím e-mail na adresu:

Deze van gerechtswege verstrekte bekendmaking kan implicaties hebben voor uw wettelijke rechten. Verzoeke hem aandachtig te lezen. Als u in de periode van 1 januari 2002 tot op heden online-advertenties van Google hebt gekocht, bent u ‘class member’ in een ‘class action’ geding dat in het Circuit Court van Miller County, Arkansas (VS) aanhangig is gemaakt. Deze bekendmaking dient om u op de hoogte te stellen van de certificatie van een ‘class’; van de aard van de aantijgingen; van uw recht tot deelname aan, of uitsluiting van, de ‘class’; van een voorgestelde schikking alsmede van de wijze waarop u aanspraak kunt maken op vergoeding van advertentiekosten binnen het kader van de schikking. Stuur voor een Nederlandstalig exemplaar van de geappendeerde bekendmaking een E-mail aan het volgende adres:

Tällä tuomioistuimen määräämällä ilmoituksella on mahdollisesti vaikutusta laillisiin oikeuksiinne. Lukekaa se huolellisesti. Mikäli olette ostanut Googlelta Internet-mainoksia alkaen tammikuun 1 päivästä 2002 nykyhetkeen saakka, olette ryhmän jäsen ryhmäkanteessa, joka on jätetty Miller Countyn piirituomioistuimelle Arkansasissa. Tämän ilmoituksen tarkoituksena on tiedottaa teille, että tuomioistuin on vahvistanut ryhmän olemassaolon, väitettyjen vaateiden luonteen, teidän oikeutenne osallistua ryhmään tai olla osallistumatta siihen, ehdotetun sovintosopimuksen sekä menettelyn, jonka avulla voitte vaatia mainoshyvitysten myöntämistä sopimuksen nojalla. Saadaksenne kopion oheisesta ilmoituksesta suomen kielellä, olkaa hyvä ja lähettäkää sähköpostiviesti osoitteella

La présente notification mandatée par les tribunaux peut affecter vos droits en vertu de la loi. Veuillez la lire attentivement. Si vous avez payé pour faire de la publicité en ligne en utilisant Google entre le 1er janvier 2002 et la date d'aujourd'hui, vous êtes automatiquement membre d'un groupe faisant un recours collectif en justice au tribunal d'instance du comté de Miller, en Arkansas. La présente notification a pour objet de vous informer de la reconnaissance par le tribunal de l'action en justice susmentionnée comme recours collectif ; de la nature des plaintes alléguées ; de votre droit de participer ou de refuser de participer au recours collectif ; d'une offre de règlement à l'amiable ; et de la façon dont vous pouvez revendiquer des crédits à valoir sur de la publicité en application dudit règlement. Pour demander à recevoir un exemplaire de la notification jointe en langue française, veuillez envoyer un courriel à cette adresse :

Diese gerichtlich angeordnete Mitteilung kann Ihre Rechte als Käufer berühren. Bitte sorgfältig durchlesen. Wenn Sie in der Zeit vom 1. Januar 2002 bis heute Online-Werbung von Google gekauft haben, sind Sie Partei einer beim Circuit Court of Miller County (US-Gericht), im US-Bundesstaat Arkansas anhängig gemachten Sammelklage. Mit dieser Mitteilung werden Sie von der Entscheidung des Gerichts bezüglich der Annahme einer Klägergruppe im Sinne einer Sammelklage, über die Art der geltend gemachten Ansprüche, über Ihr Recht, der Sammelklage als Partei beizutreten bzw. auf einen Beitritt zu verzichten, über Vergleichsangebote zur Beilegung des Rechtsstreits und über die Art und Weise, wie Sie auf Grund eines Vergleichs gerichtlich zuerkannte Werbegutschriften beanspruchen können. Ein Exemplar der deutschen Version der beigefügten Mitteilung können Sie per Email unter folgender Adresse anfordern:

A bírósági végzés alapján kiadott jelen közlemény érintheti a törvényes jogaikat, ezért olvassák el gondosan. Amennyiben 2002. január 1-tol kezdve mostanáig bármikor online hirdetést vásároltak a Google cégtol, akkor részesei az Arkansas állambeli Miller County bíróságán benyújtott csoportos keresetnek. A közlemény a következokrol ad tájékoztatást: a bíróság tanúsítja a csoport meglétét; ismerteti a kárigényt; a csoporthoz való tartozás és az abból való kimaradás jogát; a javasolt rendezést; valamint azt, hogy annak alapján hogyan lehet hirdetési keretigényt benyújtani. A csatolt közlemény magyar nyelvu változatát a címre írt elektronikus levélben lehet igényelni.

Questa notifica ordinata dal tribunale può influire sui suoi diritti legali. È pregato di leggerla attentamente. Se lei ha acquistato pubblicità in linea da Google nel perioda dal primo gennaio 2002 ad oggi, lei può far parte di una azione legale collettiva intentata presso la corte di circuito della contea di Miller, Arkansas. Con questa notifica lei viene informato della certificazione legale di azione collettiva; della natura delle rivendicazioni asserite; del suo diritto di parteciparvi o di esservi escluso; della composizione proposta e del modo in cui può rivendicare un risarcimento per crediti pubblicitari ai sensi della composizione stessa. Per richiedere una copia della notifica allegata in italiano, è pregato di inviare una e-mail a questo indirizzo:

Denne rettslige kunngjøringen er utferdiget i henhold til domsbeslutning og kan påvirke dine juridiske rettigheter. Les nøye gjennom den. Hvis du har kjøpt nettannonse eller -reklame fra Google mellom 1. januar 2002 og dagens dato, inngår du som medlem av et gruppesøksmål i Circuit Court of Miller County, Arkansas (USA). Denne kunngjøringen informerer deg om rettens sertifisering av en gruppe, de påståtte kravenes natur, retten din til å være med i eller stå utenfor gruppen, et forliksforslag samt hvordan du kan melde deg for å få annonseringskredit i henhold til forliket. Hvis du ønsker et eksemplar av vedlagte kunngjøring på norsk, skal du sende en e-post til følgende adresse:

Niniejsze, wydane nakazem sadowym zawiadomienie moze miec wplyw na przyslugujace Ci prawa. Przeczytaj je uwaznie. Jezeli w okresie od 1 stycznia 2002 do chwili obecnej zakupiles od firmy Google reklame internetowa, kwalifikujesz sie jako uczestnik grupy, w imieniu której wytaczany jest tej firmie pozew grupowy przed Sadem Obwodowym Powiatu Miller w stanie Arkansas. Celem tego zawiadomienia jest poinformowanie Ciebie o zatwierdzeniu przez Sad grupy pozywajacej, o charakterze roszczen, o Twoim prawie do uczestniczenia w grupie lub wykluczenia sie z niej, o proponowanym porozumieniu polubownym oraz o tym, jak nalezy zglaszac sie o przyznanie kredytów reklamowych przewidzianych w porozumieniu. Po egzemplarz zawiadomienia w jezyku polskim nalezy zwrócic sie poczta elektroniczna na adres:

Este aviso ordenado por el tribunal puede afectar sus derechos legales. Sírvase leerlo detenidamente. Si usted compró publicidad en línea a Google entre el 1º de enero de 2002 y el presente, usted es miembro de una clase en una demanda judicial de acción colectiva interpuesta en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia del Condado Miller, Arkansas. Este aviso es para informarle sobre la certificación de la clase que efectuó el Tribunal; la naturaleza de las demandas argumentadas; su derecho a participar o no participar en la clase; un acuerdo extra-judicial propuesto; y cómo usted puede reclamar se le adjudiquen créditos para publicidad en virtud del acuerdo extra-judicial. Para solicitar una copia del aviso adjunto en español, envíe un correo electrónico a esta dirección:

Detta rättsliga meddelande är utfärdat enligt domstolsbeslut och kan påverka dina juridiska rättigheter. Meddelandet ska läsas noggrant. Om du köpte online-annons av Google mellan 1 januari 2002 och dagens datum innebär det att du är medlem i en grupptalan vars stämningsansökning har inlämnats i Circuit Court of Miller County, Arkansas (USA). Meddelandet är avsett att underrätta dig om domstolens certifiering av grupp, anspråkens beskaffenhet, din rättighet att gå med i eller gå ur gruppen, förlikningsförslag, samt hur man anmäler sig för att få annonseringskredit enligt förlikningen. För att erhålla ett exemplar av det bifogade rättsliga meddelandet på svenska, var god skicka ett e-postmeddelande till följande adress:

Mahkeme tarafindan çikarilan bu bildirim yasal haklarinizi etkileyebilir. Lütfen dikkatle okuyun. 1 Ocak 2002 tarihinden bugüne kadar geçen süre içinde Google’den online reklam satin aldiysaniz ABD’nin Arkansas Eyaleti’nin Miller Ilçesi Bölge Mahkemesi’nde açilan bir toplu davaya davaci olarak katilmaktasiniz. Bu bildirim size Mahkeme’nin bu dava grubunu kabulü, dava dilekçesinin içerigi, sizin bu davaya katilma veya bu davanin disinda kalma hakkiniz, dava grubu, teklif edilen anlasma ve yapilan anlasma sonucu alacaginiz reklam kredilerini nasil alacaginiz konusunda bilgiler sunulmaktadir. Ekteki bildirimin Türkçe bir nüshasini istiyorsaniz lütfen adresine e-posta gönderin.

This court-ordered notice may affect your legal rights. Please read it carefully. If you purchased online advertising from Google between January 1, 2002 and the present, you are a class member in a class-action lawsuit in the Circuit Court of Miller County, Arkansas. This notice is to inform you of the Court’s certification of a class; the nature of the claims alleged; your right to participate in, or exclude yourself from, the class; a proposed settlement; and how you can claim an award of advertising credits under the settlement. To request a copy of the attached notice in English, please send an email to this address:

Denne retskendelse påvirker muligvis dine juridiske rettigheder. Læs den grundigt igennem. Hvis du købte online-reklamer fra Google mellem d. 1. januar 2002 og i dag, er du medlem af et kollektivt søgsmål ved distriktsdomstolen i Miller County, Arkansas i USA. Denne meddelelse har til formål at informere dig om rettens certificering af en klasse; arten af de påstande der gøres gældende; din ret til deltagelse i eller udelukkelse fra klassen; en foreslået retsforlig; og hvorledes du ifølge retsforliget kan gøre krav på erstatning i form af reklametilgodehavender. Få en dansk version af den vedhæftede kendelse tilsendt ved at e-maile denne adresse:

If you would prefer not to receive further messages from this sender,
please click on the following Internet link and confirm your request:
Click here for www link -or-
Click here for e-mail
You will receive one additional e-mail message confirming your removal

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Save Your Google AdWords Account!

Don't open an email with this subject and don't open any PDF file attached to it.

I know this email spam has nothing to do with Google or the AdWords so take care of such emails. I don't think either there's a direction which could be responsible to email you about this matter other than Google itself.

The following scam above has been forwarded from one of my domain email addresses. This could possibly be something to consider investigating. I'll watch out this case through my incoming emails. But if you have received such email and could track its roots regardless to this email encryption technique, do people a favour by reporting it to stop those scammers.

I don't know why some people over there are so... just like that? Why some people don't want to live nice?

This scam came in different languages Google will never use to address its clients. The very important point is that Google addresses those clients using their full names.

So, if there is any direction which concerns this matter, as it seems to be from this email scam above, it has no rights to contact you about something falls beyond their responsibility.

The scam follows above: Note this post to be oriented to those who are able to stop this Internet scam and to those who are seeking for such alert.

From: Clicksettlement clicksettlement @ xmr3. com
Subject: Important Legal Notice Regarding Your Google AdWords Account
Received: from memailout29. messagereach .com ([])

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Nigerian Spam!

Fine! is he really the son of the Nigerian former president Sanni Abacha 1993-1998?

This email spam indicates that it's from Mohammed Abacha, but I have doubts that it could possibly be sent from one of those spammers who are using some gathered information about those presidents to involve in this spam industry!

From: "Mohammed A.b" mohammed @muhammed1. org Date: 20 Jan 2005 02:44:32 -Subject: Re: Hello.
Mr. Mohammed Abacha.

I am Mohammed Abacha, the eldest son of the late president of Nigeria, General Sani Abacha. I was falsely accused of murder and as such was imprisoned, but thanks to God, I have been released for my innocence. Well dear friend I need your assistance in transferring some of my money into your account, because the government is making plans to seize them, as they did to my fathers own.

Please view this site and read it's content carefully:
The amount is $25 million in a Security Abroad. All that is needed is for me to instruct the company to transfer the funds to your account, I will remunerate you with 30% of the total funds transferred to your vital bank account as compensation for your assistance.

To indicate your interest, contact my lawyer urgently and confidentially for more information and the roles you will play in this business. All the legal information concerning this Money will be sent to you as soon as we agree together. So I will get my private attorney to get you the needed information.

If this proposal satisfies you, please contact my lawyer immediately with your full names, telephone and fax numbers to enable my lawyer to contact you. He shall handle this transaction from beginning to the end on my behalf.

Looking forward to doing business with you. Please kindly reply to my private email muhammedng1 @ mac. com
Thanks for your cooperation.

Best Regard.
Mohammed Abacha.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Late Spam Report!

The names and the subject lines are very interesting in this flood of spam I've received lately. If you find your name here, post a comment and tell me that's not you;-)

Deja Bahena, 2 mins here keep doctor away

Mr Shanks, Good effects of Ephedra on your body

Justin Mitchell, Last chance to supercharge your performance!
In a trice without warning the face of nature grew sullen Black angry mouths, the clouds swallowed...

Robins Susan, Good effects of Ephedra on your body
not repression it lambert it's tragedy the peruvian! sift

Philip, All love enhancers on one portal!

latkolik @, 6: incredible prices for best drug$! [Ref:4000]
A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five. Groucho Marx
All general statements are false.

Gerald J., "LEADS&CASH IN" on the Internet Explosion!
Hello Marketers, Do you need leads to explode your business? This is it... These leads will set your business

info_inorbit, notification...INORBIT LOTTERY PROMOTION

Spanish SWEEPSTAKE, Lottery Spanish E-mail Result
Spanish SWEEPSTAKE Lottery
Internationa Promotion/Prize Award Dept.

Nugent Berura, cheers to your healthy life

Pasquale Frederick, Confirmation of your Broadband
S'ensationall revoolution in m'edicine!

SameIa Kucera, Re[9]: Looking for Regional Representative

Eugene, This will surely help.
Bachelors, Masters, MBA and/or Doctorate (PhD)
NO ONE is turned down.

Talia, cheers to your healthy life

Mr Gauthier Chava, Ephedra for you again

Geremia, Ephedra for your weightloss a mutineer see hampton, spokesperson some nashua be finland

Donald Coleman, cheap oem soft shipping //orldwide
By the time Scarlett had undressed and blown out the candle, her plan for tomorrow had worked itself

Eula Parker, haha
it's supposition be intermittent in electrode may christian the contestant may newark it henpeck and cation

Ignacio Butler, Hi, benefit! belief a affinity in precursor may velar but therapy a liveth! annex or boxcar it resurgent some

Lou Bliss, Preparation
see canker be hydrostatic may applause! mixup! kelvin some mickey some ferreira in confidential

PayPal, Notification of Limited Account Access (Case ID Number: PP-numbers here)
Dear valued PayPal member, PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community

Lumpkin Yarkona, Wonder Ephedra is back
the approximant see arnold be postmark not eclipse! rebellion

Tia Gross, Technologies
S'ensationall revoolution in m'edicine!

Cody Osborne, Re: hi
Sensattional revolution in medicine!

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