The PayPal's Spoof or phishing email landed into my email inbox with information about unauthorized activities under my account. It dropped there from the following IP Address and its location: US Iowa Harlan Iowa Telecom
It is well known that PayPal sends emails to clients using a method that belongs only to PayPal. PayPal's users are aware of this method. Therefore, they can easily discover any fraud.
Unfortunately, the scammer who sent email fraud like this forgot that he would get naked in front of the recipient.
No Way to Spam - Search Tool
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Email swindles using PayPal
Friday, September 14, 2007
Amazon's Phishing-Spammers
Those spammers who send emails out using Amazon brands think they can simply cheat people.
One late email spam from them indicates that they're not aware of what they are doing. They simply don't know that they will be tracked and their hidden places will be exposed.
These are four IP Addresses the late Phishing email spam came from:
IP Address: Country: BG Bulgaria Region: Sofiya City: Sofia ISP: Evro
IP Address: Country: BG Bulgaria Region: Sofiya City: Sofia ISP: Spectrum Net LTD
IP Address: Country: BG Bulgaria Region: (-) City: (-) ISP: Development Center
IP Address: Country: US Region: Georgia City: Atlanta ISP: CBEYOND COMMUNICATIONS LLC
They provided some links in that email spam, one of them appears like this: http:// www. amazon. com/gp/subs/primeclub/account/homepage.html/ref=ya_hp_sub_1/10
4-4436503-7329515?ie=UTF8&method=GET and points at: http : //
The email spam goes this way:
Dear Amazon® member,
We are contacting you to inform you that our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with Amazon's User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited.
Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. To secure your account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional information from you for the following reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen, or that there were additional problems with your card.
This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time your account or credit card may be subject for temporary suspension.To securely confirm your Amazon information please click on the link bellow:
http:// www. amazon. com /gp/ subs/primeclub/ account/homepage.html/ ref= ya_hp_sub_ 1/104-4436503-7329515?ie=UTF8&method=GET
We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure.
For more information about how to protect your account please visit Amazon Security Center.
We apologize for any incovenience this may cause, and we apriciate your assistance in helping us to maintain the integrity of the entire Amazon system.
Thank you for using Amazon!
The Amazon Team
Privacy Notice © 1995-2007,, Inc. or its affiliates.
More details:
Return-Path: <>
Received: from mail. fastnetbg. com ([])
Received: from mailer. lindner. bg (mailer. lindner. bg []) by mail. fastnetbg .com (8.13.8/8.13.1) with ESMTP id l8E1x4hZ020601; Fri, 14 Sep 2007 04:59:04 +0300 Received: from User [] by mailer. lindner. bg with ESMTP (SMTPD-8.20) id
ADE403C8; Fri, 14 Sep 2007 05:11:48 +0300 From: "security @ amazon-inc . com" <>
Subject: Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 22:07:01 -0400
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